Dr Shivani's Skin Clinic

PRP Treatment in Jalandhar

Dr Shivani’s Clinic provides outstanding PRP hair treatment in Jalandhar. Experience cutting-edge methods for hair loss prevention, promoting long-lasting hair growth naturally. Dr Shivani Saini, a leading dermatologist in Jalandhar, has a proven track record of treating many patients with successful PRP hair treatment in Jalandhar. This treatment is effective for both genders, men and women, and has delivered outstanding results. It is also used in stress and autoimmune-related hair loss. PRP hair restoration provides long-lasting benefits even though it is not a permanent solution for hair loss.

What is PRP Treatment?

PRP Treatment known as Platelet Rich Plasma treatment, is a safe and effective non-surgical option for hair loss and rejuvenates the follicles using your blood cells. This cost-effective procedure increases regrowth potential without the risk of rejection or allergic reactions. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Therapy is an option for the treatment of thin hairs, stimulating new hair cell production, and promoting significant hair growth.

Process of PRP Hair Treatment

After a mild skin peel, you will notice an improvement in the texture and a decrease in the fine lines of your skin. The effect will be mild in thSteps to carry out PRP treatment.

In the first step, blood is drawn from your arm.

After that, the blood is processed in a centrifuge, by which the blood is differentiated into three parts according to the quantity of the plasma, categorized as, platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, red blood cells. We use the blood-containing plasma that is in it.

In the third step, we inject platelet-rich plasma therapy into the scalp near the root of your hair, which improves hair growth.

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PRP Growth Factors:

  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
  • Transforming growth factor beta (TGF)
  • Epidermal growth factor
  • Vascular Endothelial
  • Growth Factor (VEGF)
  • Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2)
  • Hepatocyte growth factor
  • Fibroblast growth factor 9

Causes of Hair Loss

These are some causes of hair loss:

  • Androgenic Alopecia
  • Telogen Effluvium
  • Chronic Diffuse Alopecia
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • Nutritional and Metabolic
  • Scalp Infections
  • Reaction to Cosmetics

What is done in PRP Treatment?

In PRP treatment, a concentrated dose of platelets is applied directly to an area of tissue regeneration, which is facilitated by various growth factors that influence repair and regeneration. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, used in dentistry since 1998, has now spread to cosmetic medicine. Injecting PRP into the hair stimulates local tissue by activating hair and stem cells.

Advantages of PRP Hair Treatment

The top advantages of PRP hair treatment are given below:-

  • Non-surgical Treatment: This is a non-surgical treatment, and recovery is quicker than surgery. The dermatologist removes blood using a needle and injects platelet-rich plasma into the area.
  • Less Invasive: This surgery is done without any invasiveness. Hence it gets cured quickly.
  • Completely Safe: This treatment is very safe for hair problems as it’s non-invasive, non-surgical, and uses your body cells, thus eliminating allergic reaction risks.
  • Reduces Hair Fall and Dandruff: PRP treatment also reduces hair dandruff and hair fall.
  • Scarless Treatment: PRP treatment doesn’t create scars as it only involves needles, and no cuts are made on the scalp.
  • Most Effective: PRP, a widely used treatment by dermatologists and hair specialists, can yield promising results within 3 months for most patients.
  • Natural Looking: PRP treatment restarts the growth of hairs by stimulating inactive hair follicles for natural hair growth using platelets.
  • Fewer Side Effects: PRP uses your body’s materials to prevent rejection or any side effects.

How does PRP treatment work

The main ingredient in PRP is platelet which also helps heal injured born and has various growth factors that help growth in hair roots and improve hair follicle blood supply. PRP treatment involves removing the patient’s blood, to separate red blood cells and platelet-rich plasma with the help of centrifugal force. The concentrate boosts hair growth by providing vital nutrients and factors.

How many sessions are needed for PRP treatment?

PRP treatment has no fixed session but generally, 3 to 4 regular sessions are done at the intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. The result of PRP is not permanent that’s why the maintenance sessions are needed. To maintain the results, regular sessions can be taken at a gap of 6 to 12 months.

How is PRP effective in hair loss?

After analysis, PRP research reports show that it also helps reduce hair fall, increase hair diameter, and improve hair density. PRP is more beneficial in hair regrowth for early-stage thinning in both men and women. PRP is not suitable for late-stage or complete baldness and should not replace hair transplantation. It is effective for hereditary and traction alopecia if not in the advanced stage. Multiple sessions are needed for optimal results.

Basic Side Effects of PRP treatment

Normally, PRP treatment has no critical side effects, if done by a professional Dermatologist. It is a very safe procedure because in this procedure Dermatologists use your blood. Some basic side effects that we have normally seen are:

  • Normal Scalp Pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • Temporary bleeding at the pinpoint

What to do before and after the PRP procedure?

  • Before doing the PRP hair treatment, wash your head to remove any dirt present on the scalp and give the doctor a free space on the scalp to perform the PRP treatment procedure.
  • Eat well before starting treatment and drink water to keep yourself hydrated. By this, you will be comfortable during the treatment process, and help you avoid mild headaches.
  • Some Important things that you should avoid before treatment
  • Don’t use any type of hair gel or hair spray.
  • Avoid smoking and heavy drinking before the procedure.


PRP treatment does not have any major side effects or negative effects, so you can continue your daily activities after the treatment.
You can wash your hair as per schedule after the treatment process, there are no restrictions of any kind, and remember not to apply any colors or chemicals on your hair after the treatment.
Contact us for more information.

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